الأحد، 9 يونيو 2013

Who are we:
Compass for tourist services and marketing specialized in promote our beloved country Jordan in the best way locally and internationally.
Our vision:
We aim to take the perfect picture for our country, in a new horizon, we will focus in all different cities especially the hidden ones where no one before heard about it, under motto of ‘’Hay baladna’’  which means ‘’this is our country’’
Our mission:
In addition of tourism promotions, we will focus as an institute on hotels, coffee shops, restaurants in all different cities of Jordan starting from Madaba ending in Al- Aqaba and we will focus on the newly established facilities who truly need our support, by establish a new issue of compass magazine. The magazine plus brochures will be delivered in madaba and amman as a start, after that the magazine will be monthly delivered to the whole kingdom,  plus advertising in facebook and a especial blog with pictures and numbers of the facilities to make sure that our ads have reached all over the world, and there will be a pleasant offers to our beloved clients  .
Also we will be the second hand to the travelling agencies in Amman to advertise for them to the places they can’t reach also associate in organizing the trips to Madaba and other cities.
Plus we provide events services management for conferences, special visitors honoring parties and small festivals in a classy way and new one.
We hope as compass office and as citizens to improve our country and always send the message to  the whole world and be proud to say: ‘’hay baladna’’
Rania Al- tawati
Compass owner

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